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#UKWedLunch – Wednesday 10th May 2017

As well as general wedding planning chat, today we are talking about alternatives to wedding invitations #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP #1: Instead of printing your invites – send electronic invites and manage your RSVPs online  #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP #2: Instead of printing your invites on paper – print on wood or acrylic or cloth or stamp biscuits #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP #3: Print your invites on things guests can use like tea towels, mugs, magnets, Christmas baubles #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP #4: Reveal the message gradually by having your invites on puzzles, balloons, scratch cards or a message in a bottle #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP #5: Give a hint of your theme with invites as tickets, maps, books or board games #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP #6: Go retro with your invite acted out in pictures that people can see through a view master #UKWedLunch

This week has been about alternatives to wedding invitations. Let me know if there’s any topics you’d like #UKWedLunch to cover.

As well as general wedding planning chat, next week’s topic will be wedding planning tools #UKWedLunch

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