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#UKWedLunch – Wednesday 15th March 2017

As well as general wedding planning chat, today we look at anniversaries – whether it’s your 0th, 10th, 25th, 30th or 40th #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP 1: Anniversary gifts increase in value to reflect the time the couple have invested in their marriage and each other #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP 2: Buy your new spouse an 0th anniversary present to celebrate your wedding day such as cuff links, jewellery or a photo album #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP 3a: Have an anniversary dance at a wedding instead of throwing the bouquet… #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP 3b: … All couples come on dance floor. One by one, couples are asked to sit down during the song based on the length of their time together… #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP 3c: …The last couple on the dance floor will be the longest-married couple and they receive the bouquet #UKWedLunch

TOP TIP 4: There are traditional and modern anniversary themes plus flowers and gemstones per wedding anniversary year #UKWedLunch

This week’s top tips are taken from ‘Happy Wedding Anniversary!‘ Good luck making plans for a new anniversary! #UKWedLunch

As well as general wedding planning chat, next week’s theme will be on ‘wedding themes’ #UKWedLunch

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